Thuidium recognitum (Hedw.) Lindb.
lesser tamarisk-moss (thuidium moss)

Species Account Author: Wilf Schofield
Extracted from Some Common Mosses of BC

Introduction to the Bryophytes of BC


© Curtis Bjork     (Photo ID #22628)


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Distribution of Thuidium recognitum
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Species Information

Species description:
Genus name referring to the fancied resemblance of the leafy plants to Thuja (arbor vitae or cedar). Species name derived from the fact that another species, differing from the widespread T. delicatulum (Hedw.) B.S.G., was recognizable.
Sporophytes rare, red-brown, sporangia cylindric, curved, seta elongate, maturing in summer.
Distinguishing characteristics:
The pale yellowish-green, non-glossy, com­plicatedly branched, lacy plants are highly distinctive. Green paraphyllia on the stem are usually visible with a hand lens.
Yellow-green to dark green, loosely interwoven, much ­branched, somewhat arching plants not firmly attached to substratum.
Similar Species:
T. philibertii is impossible to distinguish from T. rec­ognitum with conviction on hand lens characters although the leaves on the main stem tend to have revolute margins (those of T. recognitum are not revolute) and the leaves tend to be compressed against the stem (those of T. recognitum have the tips wide spreading and recurved). From Hylocomium splendens, the shiny plants, red stems, and generally golden to brownish-green colour distinguish it from the yellow-green non-glossy plants of Thuidium. Abietinella abietina plants are once­pinnate; Thuidium always has the lateral branches bearing branch lets.


If more than one illustration is available for a species (e.g., separate illustrations were provided for two subspecies) then links to the separate images will be provided below. Note that individual subspecies or varietal illustrations are not always available.

Illustration SourceSome Common Mosses of BC

Habitat and Range

Forest floor and open slopes.
World Distribution

Circumpolar, but interruptedly, in the North­ern Hemisphere; in North America from Greenland southward to Arkansas and Georgia in the east and from Alaska and Yukon southward to Oregon in the west.